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Ihr habt so viele Möglichkeiten! Nutzt sie und sprecht so oft, wie ihr könnt! 

You have so many possibilities! Use them and speak as much as you can! :)

Not a member yet?

Check out this month's free preview here!

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Join our regular online conversation meet-ups over Zoom. There are ~20 sessions per month for different levels: beginners, shy speakers, and confident speakers. With a teacher.

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Every Saturday, use the chance to meet your fellow students and speak German in a relaxed atmosphere, without a teacher.


Here, you can book a package of 15 minutes of conversation exchange with Juliane or Christine, via Whatsapp voice messenges.
(Cost: 10€)


If you don’t have anybody around to speak German with, just speak to yourself! About everything and anything! And if you lack ideas, this is the category where you will find loads of quick videos with speaking prompts. Enjoy!

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Practise 1:1 with a native German teacher!

They are very familiar with the course materials and can give you instant feedback on your sentence structure, vocabulary and pronunciation.


Sign up for the email challenge and get two topics to chose from in your email inbox every day for the next 30 days. Recommended from level B1.

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